After work pike
As soon as the working day was over I headed out fishing. This time of year the darkness has the advantage over the dayligt so you have to be quick to catch that precious light.
Perch on crayfish diet
Crowded lakes made me take the small inflatable boat and head for a lake hidden in the forrest with no obvious spot to launch a big boat. It was a stroke of luck!
After rain comes…
After what feels like weeks of constant rain the sun finally made a short appearance today. And what better way to ”carpe diem” than go fishing...?..
Sunny days equals fishing
The sun was shining today so I had to go fishing, too bad for me... ;-)
A good day for fishing
Today was a beautiful autumn day with high clear air and a happy sun. Is there a better way to enjoy…
Fishing - back to basic
Some time ago I spotted a little lake that I wanted to try out. The reason I haven't done this before is that this specific lake lacks a good spot to get the boat into the water.
Fishing for perch
Me and my dog got a couple of hours out fishing for perch. I usually fish for perch in the summer and for pike in the spring and autumn.
Fishing trip - day 2
The day started a bit slow, at mid day we only had 18 average sized perch. We were once again interrupted by a thunderstorm so we got an unwanted break for a few hours.
Fishing trip update
This trip has started quite good! Found a place with a big shoal of baitfish…
Gone fishing
After several hours in the car and mile after mile with forrest, trees and more forest we…
Hungry perch
After several days with no possibility to go fishing I finally got a few hours out in the boat. A warm and cloudy day with almost no wind…
New personal best for zander in Swedish Lapland
They say it is when you least expect it good things happen... Was out with a friend fishing for perch…
Yellow submarine part II
A couple of weeks ago we promised a follow up on the cute little yellow submarine we wanted to try out in the pond.
“Big” Zander fish
Two days ago I wrote that the zander fish (pike-perch) usually isn't that big in our waters. Luckily…
Vertical jigging
elt the yearning for some vertical jigging for zander fish. In the lakes around here in north of Sweden you can find…
Book recommendation
Looking for something educational to read? Today I want to share some books that in my opinion everyone…